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RMRC No. RMRC13411 Order
Strain/Stock Designation C57BL/6-Irf6tm1CGCFC/Narl
EM| (Cryopreserved Embryos)
Availability Level4
Pricing (Embryos)  Industry:11,105NTD Academia: 7,775NTD NSTC: 5,415NTD
(Cryo Recovery)  Industry:20,815NTD Academia: 13,880NTD NSTC: 13,880NTD
Last Update Date 2023/9/23
Analysis Data
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    and Conditions
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Species laboratory mouse
Strain Type COI (coisogenic strain),MSR (mutant strain)
Mutant Type TM (Target Mutation)
Other Names
Background Strain C57BL/6
Strain Description
The Irf6 conditional knockout targeting vector was designed to insert a loxP site in the  
 intron 3 and a frt-flanked neomycin resistance cassette, followed by a second loxP site in the intron 7. the construct was electroporated into embryonic stem (ES) cells. The positive clone #22 were injected into blastocysts and get the chimeric mice. The offspring were bred with CAG-Flpe transgenic mice to remove the neo cassette. Resulting Irf6 conditional knockout mice were crossed to C57BL/6JNarl mice for at least 5 generation.
2.  Mice homozygous for Irf6tm1CGCFC are fertile and viable.
Lun-Jou Lo / 羅綸洲
Email lunjoulo@cgmh.org.tw
Allele Symbol Irf6tm1CGCFC
Allele Name interferon regulatory factor 6,target mutation 1, Lun-Jou Lo
Allele Description
Strain of Origin C57BL/6
Gene Symbol Irf6
Gene Name interferon regulatory factor 6
Chromosome 1
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Research Application
Apoptosis Cancer
Cell and Developmental Biology Genetics Research
Construction Technologies
Cre-lox system
Animal Health Reports
Colony Maintenance
Breeding & Husbandry
Colony Maintenance
Mating System
homo x homo
References No

Specific Terms of Use
本生物材料僅限使用於學術研究。寄存者對於分讓申請人使用本材料 所獲得之研究成果,不主張任何專利、智慧財產權及其他財產權
DEPOSITOR waives its own rights under any patents, intellectual property, or other proprietary rights with respect to the results to be obtained by use of BIOLOGICAL RESOURCE for academic research purpose.
分讓申請人公開發表使用本材料所獲得之論文或其他研究成果時,應揭露並致謝本材料係由 長庚醫療財團法人林口長庚醫院羅綸洲醫師與國立陽明交通大學翁芬華博士所提供
Should the use of this material result in one or more scientific publication(s) the Recipient Investigator agrees to mention and acknowledge Lun-Jou Lo,M.D. in Chang Gung Memorial Hospital, Linkou and Fen-Hwa Wong,Ph.D. in National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University
分讓申請人向國研院動物中心國家實驗鼠種原庫(NLAC-RMRC)申請本材料時,應附上寄存人簽名之授權分讓同意書作為附件;NLAC- RMRC 在取得寄存人書面同意後,始進行此材料之分讓。
The recipient should obtain a written consent from the depositor of the BIOLOGICAL RESOURCE, prior to NLAC-RMRC accepting the material distribution request.
Depositor Email: lunjoulo@cgmh.org.tw
Construct Map
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